ATC class:
Ascorbic acid preparations (vitamin C)
Active substance:
Each tablet contains 100 mg of ascorbic acid; sodium ascorbate equivalent to 400 mg of ascorbic acid, zinc oxide equivalent to 15 mg of zinc
Показання до застосування:
As part of complex treatment for conditions and diseases that are caused or accompanied by zinc deficiency and hypovitaminosis of ascorbic acid: tendency to colds and infectious diseases; diseases that are accompanied by a decrease in immunity; bleeding (uterine, pulmonary, nasal, with radiation sickness), overdose of anticoagulants, increased permeability and fragility of blood vessels; liver disease (hepatitis A, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis); nephropathy of pregnant women; dystrophies, bone fractures and wounds that do not heal for a long time; connective tissue damage (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma); disorders of carbohydrate and fat metabolism; dysfunction of the endocrine glands, Addison's disease; hypofunction of the prostate gland; atherosclerosis; bronchial asthma.